Waring rank, determinant
Waring rank of determinant ★★
Author(s): Teitler

For simplicity say we work over the complex numbers. The generic matrix is the matrix with entries
. Its determinant is a homogeneous form of degree
, in
variables. If
is a homogeneous form of degree
, a power sum expression for
is an expression of the form
, the
(homogeneous) linear forms. The Waring rank of
is the least number of terms
in any power sum expression for
. For example, the expression
means that
has Waring rank
(it can't be less than
, as
The generic determinant
) has Waring rank
. The Waring rank of the
generic determinant is at least
and no more than
, see for instance Lower bound for ranks of invariant forms, Example 4.1. The Waring rank of the permanent is also of interest. The comparison between the determinant and permanent is potentially relevant to Valiant's "VP versus VNP" problem.
Keywords: Waring rank, determinant