Turan, Paul

Turán's problem for hypergraphs ★★

Author(s): Turan

Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 3n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on four vertices has at most $ \frac12 n^2(5n-3) $ hyperedges.
Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 2n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on five vertices has at most $ n^2(n-1) $ hyperedges.


The Erdos-Turan conjecture on additive bases ★★★★

Author(s): Erdos; Turan

Let $ B \subseteq {\mathbb N} $. The representation function $ r_B : {\mathbb N} \rightarrow {\mathbb N} $ for $ B $ is given by the rule $ r_B(k) = \#\{ (i,j) \in B \times B : i + j = k \} $. We call $ B $ an additive basis if $ r_B $ is never $ 0 $.

Conjecture   If $ B $ is an additive basis, then $ r_B $ is unbounded.

Keywords: additive basis; representation function

The Crossing Number of the Complete Bipartite Graph ★★★

Author(s): Turan

The crossing number $ cr(G) $ of $ G $ is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of $ G $ in the plane.

Conjecture   $ \displaystyle   cr(K_{m,n}) = \floor{\frac m2} \floor{\frac {m-1}2}                      \floor{\frac n2} \floor{\frac {n-1}2}  $

Keywords: complete bipartite graph; crossing number

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