Let be a bridgeless cubic graph. A binary cycle (henceforth called cycle) is a set
so that every vertex of
has even degree (equivalently, a cycle is any member of the binary cycle space). A postman join is a set
so that
is a cycle. Note that since
is cubic, every perfect matching is a postman join. Next we state a well-known theorem of Jaeger in three equivalent forms.
- \item

The last of these statements is interesting, since The Berge Fulkerson Conjecture (if true) implies the following:

So, we know that has three postman joins
with empty intersection, and it is conjectured that
may be chosen so that each is a perfect matching, but now we see two statements in between the theorem and the conjecture. Namely, is it true that
may be chosen so that one is a perfect matching? or two? The first of these was solved recently.

The second of these asks for two perfect matchings and one postman join
so that
. It is an easy exercise to show that a set
contains a postman join if an only if
has nonempty intersection with every odd edge-cut. Therefore, finding two perfect matchings and one postman join with empty common intersection is precisely equivalent to the conjecture at the start of this page - find two perfect matchings whose intersection contains no odd edge-cut.
* Edita Macajova, Martin Skoviera, Fano colourings of cubic graphs and the Fulkerson conjecture. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 349 (2005), no. 1, 112--120. MathSciNet
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.