Non-edges vs. feedback edge sets in digraphs
For any simple digraph , we let
be the number of unordered pairs of nonadjacent vertices (i.e. the number of non-edges), and
be the size of the smallest feedback edge set.

If satisfies
, then
is a tournament, and it is easy to check that
will have a directed cycle of length three unless it is acyclic, in which case
. So in this case, the conjecture holds. More generally, it is natural to suspect that a digraph with few non-edges and no directed triangles should be close to acyclic. Indeed, this conjecture asserts a precise relationship of this form.
If true, the above conjecture is essentially tight for a number of examples. We noted above that it is tight for transitive tournaments. Here is another basic class: let be the circulant digraph obtained by placing
vertices in a circle, and adding an edge directed from
is distance
in the clockwise order. Such examples may be nested to obtain new ones.
Chudnovsky, Seymour, and Sullivan [CSS] utilized a clever double counting argument to prove that always holds. They also proved their conjecture in the case when
is the union of two cliques, and when
is a circular interval digraph.
*[CSS] M. Chudnovsky, P.D. Seymour, and B. Sullivan, Cycles in dense digraphs.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.