Recent Activity
Discrete Logarithm Problem ★★★
If is prime and
, we write
. The problem of finding such an integer
for a given
) is the Discrete Log Problem.
Keywords: discrete log; NP
Good Edge Labelings ★★
Author(s): Araújo; Cohen; Giroire; Havet
We say that a graph is good-edge-labeling critical, if it has no good edge labeling, but every proper subgraph has a good edge labeling.

Keywords: good edge labeling, edge labeling
Special Primes ★
Author(s): George BALAN

Three-chromatic (0,2)-graphs ★★
Author(s): Payan
Choice Number of k-Chromatic Graphs of Bounded Order ★★
Author(s): Noel

Keywords: choosability; complete multipartite graph; list coloring
The Riemann Hypothesis ★★★★
Author(s): Riemann
The zeroes of the Riemann zeta function that are inside the Critical Strip (i.e. the vertical strip of the complex plane where the real part of the complex variable is in ]0;1[), are actually located on the Critical line ( the vertical line of the complex plane with real part equal to 1/2)
Keywords: Millenium Problems; zeta
Euler-Mascheroni constant ★★★
Keywords: constant; Euler; irrational; Mascheroni; rational; transcendental
Graham's conjecture on tree reconstruction ★★
Author(s): Graham

Keywords: reconstruction; tree
Vertex Cover Integrality Gap ★★
Author(s): Atserias

Keywords: counting quantifiers; FMT12-LesHouches
Big Line or Big Clique in Planar Point Sets ★★
Let be a set of points in the plane. Two points
are visible with respect to
if the line segment between
contains no other point in

Keywords: Discrete Geometry; Geometric Ramsey Theory
Mixing Circular Colourings ★

Keywords: discrete homotopy; graph colourings; mixing
The Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture ★★

Chromatic number of random lifts of complete graphs ★★
Author(s): Amit

Keywords: random lifts, coloring
3 is a primitive root modulo primes of the form 16 q^4 + 1, where q>3 is prime ★★
Circular choosability of planar graphs ★
Author(s): Mohar
Let be a graph. If
are two integers, a
-colouring of
is a function
such that
for each edge
. Given a list assignment
, i.e.~a mapping that assigns to every vertex
a set of non-negative integers, an
-colouring of
is a mapping
such that
for every
. A list assignment
is a
-list-assignment if
for each vertex
. Given such a list assignment
, the graph G is
-colourable if there exists a
, i.e.
is both a
-colouring and an
-colouring. For any real number
, the graph
-choosable if it is
-colourable for every
. Last,
is circularly
-choosable if it is
-choosable for any
. The circular choosability (or circular list chromatic number or circular choice number) of G is
Keywords: choosability; circular colouring; planar graphs
A conjecture about direct product of funcoids ★★
Author(s): Porton

A positive solution of this problem may open a way to prove that some funcoids-related categories are cartesian closed.
Keywords: category theory; general topology
MacEachen Conjecture ★
Author(s): McEachen
Keywords: primality; prime distribution
Criterion for boundedness of power series ★
Author(s): Rüdinger

Keywords: boundedness; power series; real analysis
Length of surreal product ★
Author(s): Gonshor

It is easy to prove that
What about
Keywords: surreal numbers