categorical product
A construction of direct product in the category of continuous maps between endo-funcoids ★★★
Author(s): Porton
Consider the category of (proximally) continuous maps (entirely defined monovalued functions) between endo-funcoids.
Remind from my book that morphisms of this category are defined by the formula
(here and below by abuse of notation I equate functions with corresponding principal funcoids).
Let are endofuncoids,
We define
(here and
are cartesian projections).
Conjecture The above defines categorical direct product (in the above mentioned category, with products of morphisms the same as in Set).
Keywords: categorical product; direct product
Hedetniemi's Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Hedetniemi
Conjecture If
are simple finite graphs, then

Here is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of
Keywords: categorical product; coloring; homomorphism; tensor product