Alon-Saks-Seymour Conjecture (Solved)

Recomm. for undergrads: no
Posted by: mdevos
on: May 28th, 2007
Solved by: Huang and Sudakov
Conjecture   If $ G $ is a simple graph which can be written as an union of $ m $ edge-disjoint complete bipartite graphs, then $ \chi(G) \le m+1 $.

This conjecture may be viewed as a bipartite analogue of the Erdos-Faber-Lovasz Conjecture.

One very special case of this conjecture is the statement that a complete graph on $ m+1 $ vertices cannot be written as a disjoint union of fewer than $ m $ complete bipartite graphs (although it does have numerous such decompositions). This was proved by Graham and Pollak [GP] who used spectral techniques to establish the following stronger fact.

Theorem   Let $ G $ be a simple loopless graph, and assume that the adjacency matrix of $ G $ has $ p $ positive and $ q $ negative eigenvalues. If $ H_1,\ldots,H_k \subseteq G $ is a list of edge disjoint subgraphs with union $ G $ and each $ H_i $ is a complete bipartite graph, then $ k \ge \max\{p,q\} $.

Alternative proofs of the Graham-Pollak Theorem have been found by [P] and [T], and Alon, Brualdi, and Schader [ABS] resolved a conjecture of de Caen by proving that whenever $ K_{m+1} $ is edge-colored so that each color class induces a complete bipartite graph, there is a spanning tree with one edge of each color. However, all of these results depend heavily on spectral tools. A proof of the general conjecture would appear to either require a vast generalization of these techniques, or a new combinatorial proof of the Graham-Pollak Theorem.


[ABS] N. Alon, R. A. Brualdi and B. L. Shader, Multicolored forests in bipartite decompositions of graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 53 (1991), 143-148.

[GP] R. L. Graham and H. O. Pollak, On the addressing problem for loop switching, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 50 (1971), 2495-2519.

[P] G. W. Peck, A new proof of a theorem of Graham and Pol lak, Discrete Math. 49 (1984), 327-328.

[T] H. Tverberg, On the decomposition of Kn into complete bipartite graphs, J. Graph Theory 6 (1982), 493-494.

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.


Hao Huang and Benny Sudakov have found a fascinating counterexample to this conjecture. Their paper can be found on the arxiv here

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