Bounded colorings for planar graphs (Solved)

An ordinary -coloring of a graph, is a partition the vertex set into at most
so that each
induces a subgraph where every component is an isolated vertex. Here we are considering a relaxation of this where we insist only that each
induces a subgraph where every component has bounded size. This type of coloring was first suggested by Ding, Oporowski, and Vertigan and has already lead to some interesting results see [ADOV] and [HSzT].
It follows from the four color theorem that every planar graph has a vertex partition into four sets so that every component of a subgraph induced by some
has size at most 1. On the other hand, Alon, Ding, Oporowski, and Vertigan construct for every integer
a planar graph
with the property that for every partition of
, some component of a subgraph induced by some
will have size
. The construction is easy to give: Let
be the graph obtained from a path
of length
by adding a new vertex
adjacent to every vertex of this path. Now, form the graph
disjoint copies of
by adding a new vertex
joined to every old vertex. Note that
is planar as required. Let us assume (for a contradiction) that
is a partition of
with the property that every component of a subgraph induced by
has size
. We may assume without loss that
, but then there are at most
other vertices in
, so there is a copy of
which contains no vertices in
. We may assume that the vertex
in this copy is in the set
, but then at most
other vertices in the corresponding copy of
are in
. It now follows that there is a subpath of this copy of
of length
in which all vertices are in
. This completes the proof. The above question asks if such a family can still be constructed with the additional constraint that all vertices have bounded degree.
In 2013, this question was answered in the affirmative by Louis Esperet and Gwenaël Joret [EJ].
*[ADOV] Alon, Noga; Ding, Guoli; Oporowski, Bogdan; Vertigan, Dirk, Partitioning into graphs with only small components, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 87 (2003), no. 2, 231--243. MathSciNet
[HSzT] Haxell, Penny; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor, Bounded size components - partitions and transversals. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 88 (2003), no. 2, 281--297. MathSciNet
[EJ] Louis Esperet, Gwenaël Joret. Coloring planar graphs with three colors and no large monochromatic components, arXiv:1303.2487, 2013.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.