
Perfect cuboid ★★


Conjecture   Does a perfect cuboid exist?


A conjecture about direct product of funcoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   Let $ f_1 $ and $ f_2 $ are monovalued, entirely defined funcoids with $ \operatorname{Src}f_1=\operatorname{Src}f_2=A $. Then there exists a pointfree funcoid $ f_1 \times^{\left( D \right)} f_2 $ such that (for every filter $ x $ on $ A $) $$\left\langle f_1 \times^{\left( D \right)} f_2 \right\rangle x = \bigcup \left\{ \langle f_1\rangle X \times^{\mathsf{FCD}} \langle f_2\rangle X \hspace{1em} | \hspace{1em} X \in \mathrm{atoms}^{\mathfrak{A}} x \right\}.$$ (The join operation is taken on the lattice of filters with reversed order.)

A positive solution of this problem may open a way to prove that some funcoids-related categories are cartesian closed.

Keywords: category theory; general topology

3-Decomposition Conjecture ★★


3-Decomposition Conjecture


Erdős-Posa property for long directed cycles ★★

Author(s): Havet; Maia

Conjecture   Let $ \ell \geq 2 $ be an integer. For every integer $ n\geq 0 $, there exists an integer $ t_n=t_n(\ell) $ such that for every digraph $ D $, either $ D $ has a $ n $ pairwise-disjoint directed cycles of length at least $ \ell $, or there exists a set $ T $ of at most $ t_n $ vertices such that $ D-T $ has no directed cycles of length at least $ \ell $.


Unconditional derandomization of Arthur-Merlin games ★★★

Author(s): Shaltiel; Umans

Problem   Prove unconditionally that $ \mathcal{AM} $ $ \subseteq $ $ \Sigma_2 $.

Keywords: Arthur-Merlin; Hitting Sets; unconditional

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Triangle free strongly regular graphs ★★★


Problem   Is there an eighth triangle free strongly regular graph?

Keywords: strongly regular; triangle free

Consecutive non-orientable embedding obstructions ★★★


Conjecture   Is there a graph $ G $ that is a minor-minimal obstruction for two non-orientable surfaces?

Keywords: minor; surface

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Book Thickness of Subdivisions ★★

Author(s): Blankenship; Oporowski

Let $ G $ be a finite undirected simple graph.

A $ k $-page book embedding of $ G $ consists of a linear order $ \preceq $ of $ V(G) $ and a (non-proper) $ k $-colouring of $ E(G) $ such that edges with the same colour do not cross with respect to $ \preceq $. That is, if $ v\prec x\prec w\prec y $ for some edges $ vw,xy\in E(G) $, then $ vw $ and $ xy $ receive distinct colours.

One can think that the vertices are placed along the spine of a book, and the edges are drawn without crossings on the pages of the book.

The book thickness of $ G $, denoted by bt$ (G) $ is the minimum integer $ k $ for which there is a $ k $-page book embedding of $ G $.

Let $ G' $ be the graph obtained by subdividing each edge of $ G $ exactly once.

Conjecture   There is a function $ f $ such that for every graph $ G $, $$   \text{bt}(G) \leq f( \text{bt}(G') )\enspace.   $$

Keywords: book embedding; book thickness

Fixed-point logic with counting ★★

Author(s): Blass

Question   Can either of the following be expressed in fixed-point logic plus counting:
    \item Given a graph, does it have a perfect matching, i.e., a set $ M $ of edges such that every vertex is incident to exactly one edge from $ M $? \item Given a square matrix over a finite field (regarded as a structure in the natural way, as described in [BGS02]), what is its determinant?

Keywords: Capturing PTime; counting quantifiers; Fixed-point logic; FMT03-Bedlewo

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Complexity of square-root sum ★★

Author(s): Goemans

Question   What is the complexity of the following problem?

Given $ a_1,\dots,a_n; k $, determine whether or not $  \sum_i \sqrt{a_i} \leq k.  $

Keywords: semi-definite programming

Birch & Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture ★★★★


Conjecture   Let $ E/K $ be an elliptic curve over a number field $ K $. Then the order of the zeros of its $ L $-function, $ L(E, s) $, at $ s = 1 $ is the Mordell-Weil rank of $ E(K) $.


Durer's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Durer; Shephard

Conjecture   Every convex polytope has a non-overlapping edge unfolding.

Keywords: folding; polytope

Simultaneous partition of hypergraphs ★★

Author(s): Kühn; Osthus

Problem   Let $ H_1 $ and $ H_2 $ be two $ r $-uniform hypergraph on the same vertex set $ V $. Does there always exist a partition of $ V $ into $ r $ classes $ V_1, \dots , V_r $ such that for both $ i=1,2 $, at least $ r!m_i/r^r -o(m_i) $ hyperedges of $ H_i $ meet each of the classes $ V_1, \dots , V_r $?


Algebra ★★




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Acyclic edge-colouring ★★

Author(s): Fiamcik

Conjecture   Every simple graph with maximum degree $ \Delta $ has a proper $ (\Delta+2) $-edge-colouring so that every cycle contains edges of at least three distinct colours.

Keywords: edge-coloring

Partitionning a tournament into k-strongly connected subtournaments. ★★

Author(s): Thomassen

Problem   Let $ k_1, \dots , k_p $ be positve integer Does there exists an integer $ g(k_1, \dots , k_p) $ such that every $ g(k_1, \dots , k_p) $-strong tournament $ T $ admits a partition $ (V_1\dots , V_p) $ of its vertex set such that the subtournament induced by $ V_i $ is a non-trivial $ k_i $-strong for all $ 1\leq i\leq p $.


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Beneš Conjecture (graph-theoretic form) ★★★

Author(s): Beneš

Problem  ($ \dag $)   Find a sufficient condition for a straight $ \ell $-stage graph to be rearrangeable. In particular, what about a straight uniform graph?
Conjecture  ($ \diamond $)   Let $ L $ be a simple regular ordered $ 2 $-stage graph. Suppose that the graph $ L^m $ is externally connected, for some $ m\ge1 $. Then the graph $ L^{2m} $ is rearrangeable.


Order-invariant queries ★★

Author(s): Segoufin

    \item Does $ {<}\text{-invariant\:FO} = \text{FO} $ hold over graphs of bounded tree-width? \item Is $ {<}\text{-invariant\:FO} $ included in $ \text{MSO} $ over graphs? \item Does $ {<}\text{-invariant\:FO} $ have a 0-1 law? \item Are properties of $ {<}\text{-invariant\:FO} $ Hanf-local? \item Is there a logic (with an effective syntax) that captures $ {<}\text{-invariant\:FO} $?

Keywords: Effective syntax; FMT12-LesHouches; Locality; MSO; Order invariance

Edge-antipodal colorings of cubes ★★

Author(s): Norine

We let $ Q_d $ denote the $ d $-dimensional cube graph. A map $ \phi : E(Q_d) \rightarrow \{0,1\} $ is called edge-antipodal if $ \phi(e) \neq \phi(e') $ whenever $ e,e' $ are antipodal edges.

Conjecture   If $ d \ge 2 $ and $ \phi : E(Q_d) \rightarrow \{0,1\} $ is edge-antipodal, then there exist a pair of antipodal vertices $ v,v' \in V(Q_d) $ which are joined by a monochromatic path.

Keywords: antipodal; cube; edge-coloring

Lucas Numbers Modulo m ★★


Conjecture   The sequence {L(n) mod m}, where L(n) are the Lucas numbers, contains a complete residue system modulo m if and only if m is one of the following: 2, 4, 6, 7, 14, 3^k, k >=1.

Keywords: Lucas numbers

Exact colorings of graphs ★★

Author(s): Erickson

Conjecture   For $ c \geq m \geq 1 $, let $ P(c,m) $ be the statement that given any exact $ c $-coloring of the edges of a complete countably infinite graph (that is, a coloring with $ c $ colors all of which must be used at least once), there exists an exactly $ m $-colored countably infinite complete subgraph. Then $ P(c,m) $ is true if and only if $ m=1 $, $ m=2 $, or $ c=m $.

Keywords: graph coloring; ramsey theory

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Turán's problem for hypergraphs ★★

Author(s): Turan

Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 3n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on four vertices has at most $ \frac12 n^2(5n-3) $ hyperedges.
Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 2n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on five vertices has at most $ n^2(n-1) $ hyperedges.


3-Edge-Coloring Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Arthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof

Conjecture   Suppose $ G $ with $ |V(G)|>2 $ is a connected cubic graph admitting a $ 3 $-edge coloring. Then there is an edge $ e \in E(G) $ such that the cubic graph homeomorphic to $ G-e $ has a $ 3 $-edge coloring.

Keywords: 3-edge coloring; 4-flow; removable edge

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Hedetniemi's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Hedetniemi

Conjecture   If $ G,H $ are simple finite graphs, then $ \chi(G \times H) = \min \{ \chi(G), \chi(H) \} $.

Here $ G \times H $ is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of $ G $ and $ H $.

Keywords: categorical product; coloring; homomorphism; tensor product

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Geodesic cycles and Tutte's Theorem ★★

Author(s): Georgakopoulos; Sprüssel

Problem   If $ G $ is a $ 3 $-connected finite graph, is there an assignment of lengths $ \ell: E(G) \to \mathb R^+ $ to the edges of $ G $, such that every $ \ell $-geodesic cycle is peripheral?

Keywords: cycle space; geodesic cycles; peripheral cycles

Circular coloring triangle-free subcubic planar graphs ★★

Author(s): Ghebleh; Zhu

Problem   Does every triangle-free planar graph of maximum degree three have circular chromatic number at most $ \frac{20}{7} $?

Keywords: circular coloring; planar graph; triangle free

Edge-Unfolding Convex Polyhedra ★★

Author(s): Shephard

Conjecture   Every convex polyhedron has a (nonoverlapping) edge unfolding.

Keywords: folding; nets

Funcoidal products inside an inward reloid ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   (solved) If $ a \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}}} b \subseteq \left( \mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}} \right)_{\ensuremath{\operatorname{in}}} f $ then $ a \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{FCD}}}} b \subseteq f $ for every funcoid $ f $ and atomic f.o. $ a $ and $ b $ on the source and destination of $ f $ correspondingly.

A stronger conjecture:

Conjecture   If $ \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}}} \mathcal{B} \subseteq \left( \mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}} \right)_{\ensuremath{\operatorname{in}}} f $ then $ \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{FCD}}}} \mathcal{B} \subseteq f $ for every funcoid $ f $ and $ \mathcal{A} \in \mathfrak{F} \left( \ensuremath{\operatorname{Src}}f \right) $, $ \mathcal{B} \in \mathfrak{F} \left( \ensuremath{\operatorname{Dst}}f \right) $.

Keywords: inward reloid

The additive basis conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Jaeger; Linial; Payan; Tarsi

Conjecture   For every prime $ p $, there is a constant $ c(p) $ (possibly $ c(p)=p $) so that the union (as multisets) of any $ c(p) $ bases of the vector space $ ({\mathbb Z}_p)^n $ contains an additive basis.

Keywords: additive basis; matrix

Non-edges vs. feedback edge sets in digraphs ★★★

Author(s): Chudnovsky; Seymour; Sullivan

For any simple digraph $ G $, we let $ \gamma(G) $ be the number of unordered pairs of nonadjacent vertices (i.e. the number of non-edges), and $ \beta(G) $ be the size of the smallest feedback edge set.

Conjecture  If $ G $ is a simple digraph without directed cycles of length $ \le 3 $, then $ \beta(G) \le \frac{1}{2} \gamma(G) $.

Keywords: acyclic; digraph; feedback edge set; triangle free

Direct proof of a theorem about compact funcoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   Let $ f $ is a $ T_1 $-separable (the same as $ T_2 $ for symmetric transitive) compact funcoid and $ g $ is a uniform space (reflexive, symmetric, and transitive endoreloid) such that $ ( \mathsf{\tmop{FCD}}) g = f $. Then $ g = \langle f \times f \rangle^{\ast} \Delta $.

The main purpose here is to find a direct proof of this conjecture. It seems that this conjecture can be derived from the well known theorem about existence of exactly one uniformity on a compact set. But that would be what I call an indirect proof, we need a direct proof instead.

The direct proof may be constructed by correcting all errors an omissions in this draft article.

Direct proof could be better because with it we would get a little more general statement like this:

Conjecture   Let $ f $ be a $ T_1 $-separable compact reflexive symmetric funcoid and $ g $ be a reloid such that
    \item $ ( \mathsf{\tmop{FCD}}) g = f $; \item $ g \circ g^{- 1} \sqsubseteq g $.

Then $ g = \langle f \times f \rangle^{\ast} \Delta $.

Keywords: compact space; compact topology; funcoid; reloid; uniform space; uniformity

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