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Seymour's self-minor conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Seymour
Keywords: infinite graph; minor
Perfect 2-error-correcting codes over arbitrary finite alphabets. ★★
Keywords: 2-error-correcting; code; existence; perfect; perfect code
Are there an infinite number of lucky primes? ★
Author(s): Lazarus: Gardiner: Metropolis; Ulam
Something like Picard for 1-forms ★★
Author(s): Elsner

Keywords: Essential singularity; Holomorphic functions; Picard's theorem; Residue of 1-form; Riemann surfaces
The robustness of the tensor product ★★★
Author(s): Ben-Sasson; Sudan

The problem is to give a characterization of the pairs whose tensor product is robust.
Keywords: codes; coding; locally testable; robustness
Schanuel's Conjecture ★★★★
Author(s): Schanuel

Keywords: algebraic independence
Beneš Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Beneš
Let be a non-empty finite set. Given a partition
, the stabilizer of
, denoted
, is the group formed by all permutations of
preserving each block of

Frankl's union-closed sets conjecture ★★
Author(s): Frankl

Double-critical graph conjecture ★★
A connected simple graph is called double-critical, if removing any pair of adjacent vertexes lowers the chromatic number by two.

Keywords: coloring; complete graph
Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Beneš; Folklore; Stone
Given integers , let
be the smallest integer
such that the symmetric group
on the set of all words of length
over a
-letter alphabet can be generated as
times), where
is the shuffle permutation defined by
, and
is the exchange group consisting of all permutations in
preserving the first
letters in the words.

Strong colorability ★★★
Author(s): Aharoni; Alon; Haxell
Let be a positive integer. We say that a graph
is strongly
-colorable if for every partition of the vertices to sets of size at most
there is a proper
-coloring of
in which the vertices in each set of the partition have distinct colors.

Keywords: strong coloring
Is there an algorithm to determine if a triangulated 4-manifold is combinatorially equivalent to the 4-sphere? ★★★
Author(s): Novikov
What is the homotopy type of the group of diffeomorphisms of the 4-sphere? ★★★★
Author(s): Smale

Keywords: 4-sphere; diffeomorphisms
Which compact boundaryless 3-manifolds embed smoothly in the 4-sphere? ★★★
Author(s): Kirby
Keywords: 3-manifold; 4-sphere; embedding
Fundamental group torsion for subsets of Euclidean 3-space ★★
Author(s): Ancient/folklore

Keywords: subsets of euclidean space; torsion
Which homology 3-spheres bound homology 4-balls? ★★★★
Author(s): Ancient/folklore

Keywords: cobordism; homology ball; homology sphere
Realisation problem for the space of knots in the 3-sphere ★★
Author(s): Budney

Now let be a hyperbolic link. Assume
has the further `Brunnian' property that there exists a component
such that
is the unlink. Let
be the subgroup of
consisting of diffeomorphisms of
which preserve
together with its orientation, and which preserve the orientation of
There is a representation given by restricting the diffeomorphism to the
. It's known that
is always a cyclic group. And
is a signed symmetric group -- the wreath product of a symmetric group with
Problem: What representations can be obtained?
Keywords: knot space; symmetry
Slice-ribbon problem ★★★★
Author(s): Fox

Smooth 4-dimensional Schoenflies problem ★★★★
Author(s): Alexander

Keywords: 4-dimensional; Schoenflies; sphere
Are different notions of the crossing number the same? ★★★

![\[ \text{pair-cr}(G) = \text{cr}(G) \]](/files/tex/8cece1e00bb0e9fc122e0a5cad0dab2681cf33a4.png)
The crossing number of a graph
is the minimum number of edge crossings in any drawing of
in the plane. In the pairwise crossing number
, we minimize the number of pairs of edges that cross.
Keywords: crossing number; pair-crossing number