Recent Activity
Transversal achievement game on a square grid ★★
Author(s): Erickson

Keywords: game
Graceful Tree Conjecture ★★★
Keywords: combinatorics; graceful labeling
Extremal problem on the number of tree endomorphism ★★
Author(s): Zhicong Lin

3-Colourability of Arrangements of Great Circles ★★
Author(s): Felsner; Hurtado; Noy; Streinu
Consider a set of great circles on a sphere with no three circles meeting at a point. The arrangement graph of
has a vertex for each intersection point, and an edge for each arc directly connecting two intersection points. So this arrangement graph is 4-regular and planar.

Keywords: arrangement graph; graph coloring
KPZ Universality Conjecture ★★★
Keywords: KPZ equation, central limit theorem
Friendly partitions ★★
Author(s): DeVos
A friendly partition of a graph is a partition of the vertices into two sets so that every vertex has at least as many neighbours in its own class as in the other.

Finite entailment of Positive Horn logic ★★
Author(s): Martin

Keywords: entailment; finite satisfiability; horn logic
Triangle free strongly regular graphs ★★★
Keywords: strongly regular; triangle free
A discrete iteration related to Pierce expansions ★★
Author(s): Shallit

Example: , since
Prove or disprove: .
Keywords: Pierce expansions
Bounding the chromatic number of triangle-free graphs with fixed maximum degree ★★

Keywords: chromatic number; girth; maximum degree; triangle free
Hedetniemi's Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Hedetniemi

Here is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of
Keywords: categorical product; coloring; homomorphism; tensor product
Diophantine quintuple conjecture ★★

It would follow from the following stronger conjecture [Da]:

Several ways to apply a (multivalued) multiargument function to a family of filters ★★★
Author(s): Porton

1. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the reloidal product of filters .
2. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the starred reloidal product of filters .
3. .
Keywords: funcoid; function; multifuncoid; staroid
Jones' conjecture ★★
For a graph , let
denote the cardinality of a maximum cycle packing (collection of vertex disjoint cycles) and let
denote the cardinality of a minimum feedback vertex set (set of vertices
so that
is acyclic).

Keywords: cycle packing; feedback vertex set; planar graph
Multicolour Erdős--Hajnal Conjecture ★★★

Keywords: ramsey theory
Sidorenko's Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Sidorenko

Keywords: density problems; extremal combinatorics; homomorphism
Edge-Unfolding Convex Polyhedra ★★
Author(s): Shephard
Point sets with no empty pentagon ★
Author(s): Wood
Keywords: combinatorial geometry; visibility graph
Singmaster's conjecture ★★
Author(s): Singmaster

The number appears once in Pascal's triangle,
appears twice,
appears three times, and
times. There are infinite families of numbers known to appear
times. The only number known to appear
times is
. It is not known whether any number appears more than
times. The conjectured upper bound could be
; Singmaster thought it might be
. See Singmaster's conjecture.
Keywords: Pascal's triangle
Waring rank of determinant ★★
Author(s): Teitler

For simplicity say we work over the complex numbers. The generic matrix is the matrix with entries
. Its determinant is a homogeneous form of degree
, in
variables. If
is a homogeneous form of degree
, a power sum expression for
is an expression of the form
, the
(homogeneous) linear forms. The Waring rank of
is the least number of terms
in any power sum expression for
. For example, the expression
means that
has Waring rank
(it can't be less than
, as
The generic determinant
) has Waring rank
. The Waring rank of the
generic determinant is at least
and no more than
, see for instance Lower bound for ranks of invariant forms, Example 4.1. The Waring rank of the permanent is also of interest. The comparison between the determinant and permanent is potentially relevant to Valiant's "VP versus VNP" problem.
Keywords: Waring rank, determinant